“It is imperative to expand food security, especially in underserved communities, to ensure healthy, successful lives.”
– Dr. Angela Reddix
“It is imperative to expand food security, especially in underserved communities, to ensure healthy, successful lives.”
– Dr. Angela Reddix
According to the USDA, food security is defined as “access by all people at all times to enough [quality] food for an active, healthy lifestyle.” Yet poor nutrition is the leading cause of illness in the United States. Additionally, children score much lower in school when they suffer from poor nutrition in the brain’s formative years.
Case-in-Point: Because healthy eating starts at home, ARDX has historically invested time and energy in support of local food banks and food drives. ARDX has also brought its experience in training, healthcare, and partnership development to underserved youth populations in Virginia’s Hampton Roads area with Healthcare Academy® programs in multiple elementary and middle schools, Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Neighborhood Networks program, churches, and YWCA of South Hampton Roads.
Conducting Healthcare Academy® programs in communities enables populations to have productive and healthy lifestyles by educating youth on national healthcare and social issues including nutrition, obesity, and fitness. ARDX engages them in learning and changing behaviors. ARDX conducts sessions to encourage a lifestyle of activity, fitness, and improved eating habits, leading to a decrease in obesity, which leads to a decrease in chronic health issues, an increase in self-esteem, a decrease in the propensity for bullying and violence, and a more successful school experience.